A Powerful, yet Simple Property Search Engine

Placebuzz is a super fast property search engine with a mission to help people easily discover and connect with places to live. When you register with Placebuzz, you can save a search and receive instant notifications when properties matching your requirements are listed online. It takes less than a minute to sign up, and we are constantly innovating and adding new features to help you find your dream home.

Placebuzz is a super fast property search engine with a mission to help people easily discover and connect with places to live. When you register with Placebuzz, you can save a search and receive instant notifications when properties matching your requirements are listed online. It takes less than a minute to sign up, and we are constantly innovating and adding new features to help you find your dream home.

Powerful search

Whether you are looking for a room, a flat or a detached house, our powerful search tools ensure you are clicks away from finding your dream home.

Whether you are looking for a room, a flat or a detached house, our powerful search tools ensure you are clicks away from finding your dream home.

Save searches

Receive email alerts as soon as properties matching your searches are listed online.

Receive email alerts as soon as properties matching your searches are listed online.

Intelligent Recommendations

See recommendations of properties that may interest you to make sure you never miss out on that perfect home.

See recommendations of properties that may interest you to make sure you never miss out on that perfect home.


Easily share your searches with your partner, flatmate, or friends to help you in your search for your dream home.

Easily share your searches with your partner, flatmate, or friends to help you in your search for your dream home.