Property to rent in North Lanarkshire

63 properties available in North Lanarkshire right now

With low purchase and rent prices for accommodation, high employment, and low costs of living, North Lanarkshire has rated 8th overall on uSwitch’s list of the best places to live in the UK in 2015. The county borders the north east of the City of Glasgow and is well-connected to the city by road and rail, and as such many of the people who live in North Lanarkshire’s towns and villages are commuters. The county’s schools are good, and the wide choice in lifestyle, housing, and attractions and amenities also make the area a popular choice for families. According to the National Records of Scotland, North Lanarkshire’s population is on the rise.

Read more in the North Lanarkshire Area Guides

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North Lanarkshire

Airdrie5 properties
Coatbridge15 properties
Motherwell17 properties
Shotts8 properties
Wishaw18 properties